Sep 12, 2014 | Announcements
There has been some discussion regarding Country Place Section 12 near the Penn entry. I have provided some information below that I believe will help. The proposed homes built along SW 140th Street near the Penn entry will be similar as the existing homes in Country...
Feb 4, 2014 | Announcements
There has been some communication regarding street plowing in the community. This is something that has been executed in the past and turns out not to be as effective. Beyond being costly to the Association’s budget, there are a few points on why it’s not recommended...
Nov 4, 2013 | Announcements
We gave out a packet of information at the October Open House. This packet included: Why a HOA, the Director of Community Operations Job Description, HOA Governing Documents, Financial Statement, additional issues and concerns. If you didn’t attend, or...
Jun 25, 2009 | Announcements
Country Place Homeowners, Come check out the Homeowners Association Open House on Thursday the 25th from 6:30 – 8:00pm. The focus of the Open House is for the homeowners of Country Place to get an opportunity to meet one another and gather important HOA...