Jun 1, 2017 | Announcements
Change to June 5, 2017 HOA Board Meeting start time: Due to a scheduling conflict, our meeting time at the library this coming Monday will move from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm in Room B. The agenda for the upcoming meeting is available for your review and I encourage you to...
Mar 1, 2017 | Announcements
Please note a change to our HOA Meeting schedule. We will no longer meet on a monthly basis but will instead meet on a bimonthly basis, starting at our February 6th Annual meeting. That means our next HOA meeting will be on the first Monday of April the 3rd, 2017, at...
Nov 29, 2016 | Announcements
We are approaching time for the annual meeting, which will take place February 6, 2017 at the Southwest OKC Pioneer Library on SW 134th St. At that time, three of the board member positions will be open including President, Secretary, and Member at Large. Upon...
Jan 6, 2015 | Announcements
Happy New Year! The Association will be mailing your 2015 HOA Dues Invoice along with important HOA information shortly. If you are here to pay your HOA Dues now, follow the below steps: Click Financial Click Pay Now (this will re-direct you to the PayPal site) Choose...
Oct 31, 2014 | Announcements
OKHOA.org recently updated our website so that we are now Mobile Responsive! This means that our website is much easier to read and more user friendly to those who may be accessing the website from smartphones, Ipads, etc. The website adapts the view and size...
Sep 23, 2014 | Announcements
Reminder regarding the 2014 Country Place Home Owners Association Open House on September 25th from 6:00 to 8:00pm. The Open House will take place at the Ideal Homes Sales model, located in Country Place. The purpose of the Open House is to have the opportunity for...